
I live in a cargo van I converted into a home on wheels. Anywhere I go my home is there also, either at work or when I’m off traveling across the country.

The need to live in a van came out of necessity, brought by the splitting up of my family and the consequent need for a place to live.

From day one of living in my cargo van I never had the feeling of being homeless or destitute. The first night I slept in the van there wasn’t much in it, just a few small boxes and bags with work stuff, a sleeping bag and an air mattress. I woke up the next morning and found myself sleeping on a deflated air mattress. However, my first thoughts on waking up were not negative because my back was a little sore, but resolute that this is my home now and nothing is going to get me out of it; neither freezing winters nor hot humid summers.img_1147

10 thoughts on “About”

      1. Luis we got all the stuff in Thursday I hope to hear from you I got two more solar panels battery and other things.hoe to hear from you  and  thank you.

        Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  1. Just found your YouTube video with ?. You have a very easy interview style which seems make the person feel comfortable enough to be the “star” in video.
    I cannot find a Vlog past 2017. Are you still Vlogging?


    1. Hi!
      I haven’t had much time lately to make this website work the way I want it to; that will be coming soon, but you can go to my YouTube channel we’re you can access all my videos. 👍🏻🚐☕️🖖🏻


    1. Thank you very much Bonnie!
      I’m hoping we can go over and meet you next time I go down to Florida, if it’s ok with you of course. 👍🏻👍🏻😄🚐


  2. Didn’t know u we’re in FL still I could of offered a sail but the sailboat ended up been sold be4 I started watching we’re movin away from the gulf so no need


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